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This Domain is Hosted by - a 9th Elevation Company, Inc & its Sister Brands
This information is to give you more information behind the 9th Elevation Brands and services we provide. Defining our brands will help you better understand our skills and diversity of services that create many full-service business solutions.
Big Reply

Dedicated, Shared, & Reseller Hosting

At a Ninth Commerce Group you can depend on:

  • One on One Account Mangers for every account or client
  • State of the Art Web-Services and Business Hosting
  • Quality services, custom programming and business solutions
  • Maximum guaranteed uptime
  • Current and Leading tools for site administration
  • Secure and reliable backups
  • Long Term and honest business practices

a 9th Elevation Company, Inc.
founded in 1999

Online/Offline Interactive Media & Designs

In short, a 9th Elevation Company, Inc. is an Interactive Motion Graphics design team.

We specialize in Flash, Motion, Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PHP, XML, MySQL, Java and other internet languages, web programs and professional video and audio streaming technologies.

Email Marketing / eBlast Communications

Big Reply is a Self Service or Fully Supported/Managed application. Do it yourself or our professional staff will design, strategize and work with you to achieve your goals!

Industry Strength Email Marketing / eBlast Communications with Real Time Hi-Visual Reports. Our internet application (web based) sends professional bulk-emails with unlimited auto-responders, interactive forms and survey applications for your business! Perfect for Small to Large businesses, PR & Marketing Agencies, and digital agencies to use every day to create, send and track profitable sales and marketing email campaigns, auto-responders, and surveys using our fully managed hosted service.

www.NinthCommerce.com www.9thElevation.com www.BigReply.com
To inquiry about any of our services or if you have any questions, please use this link: Click Here

Fast Facts About Us

Headquarters: Reno, Nevada
In Business Since: 1999
Target Market: Business owners (SME), digital agencies and start up web-hosts ISP's
Status: Privately held

Media Contact

For any media questions please contact:
866-586-9137 (Toll Free - U.S. and Canada)
775-636-9355 (Local/International)
Click Here

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Free Email Marketing
a 9th Elevation Company